

「環境」に関する英検1級に出そうな長文対策用パッセジ                    ~「目安の時間」を参考に、精読する練習をしてみましょう!


Using fossil fuels has played a pivotal role in powering modern economies and driving technological advancement. However, in light of growing environmental concerns, governments around the world are grappling with how to balance the benefits of fossil fuels with their environmental impact. Fossil fuel subsidies, which once spurred economic growth, are now under scrutiny as countries seek to reduce carbon emissions while maintaining energy security.

Incidents such as oil spills highlight the need for stronger environmental protections, and oil-spill cleanup bills often cover only a small fraction of the long-term environmental recovery efforts. Despite this, fossil fuels continue to be a reliable and cost-effective energy source for many developing nations. The transition to cleaner energy, while crucial, can be a double-edged sword, as it may create disparity between nations that can afford such a shift and those that rely heavily on fossil fuel industries for employment and economic stability.

Many countries have pledged to explore sustainable energy options, but a disproportionate burden often falls on poorer regions, where access to renewable technology is limited. It’s important to note that fossil fuels themselves are not the sole issue; rather, it’s how they are managed and how governments implement environmental protections. While pollutants from fossil fuels contribute to climate challenges, there is potential to mitigate these effects through innovation, regulation, and international cooperation.

The fossil fuel debate is complex, and rather than viewing them as “the bad guys,” the conversation should focus on how we can continue to use these resources responsibly while developing alternative energies for a sustainable future.            UnsplashNOAAが撮影した写真


  1. Grappling
    • 英訳 (English translation): Struggling to deal with or overcome a difficult issue
    • 和訳 (Japanese translation): 取り組んでいる、奮闘している
    • 類義語 (Synonyms): struggling, wrestling with, contending with
  2. Subsidies
    • 英訳: Financial assistance given by the government to support industries or reduce costs
    • 和訳: 補助金
    • 類義語: grants, aid, financial support
  3. In light of
    • 英訳: Considering something, in view of something
    • 和訳: 〜を考慮して
    • 類義語: considering, given, taking into account
  4. Pledge
    • 英訳: A serious promise or commitment to do something
    • 和訳: 誓約する、約束する
    • 類義語: vow, promise, commitment
  5. Oil-spill cleanup bills
    • 英訳: Costs associated with the cleaning of oil spills, typically referring to financial expenses borne by governments or companies
    • 和訳: 油流出事故の清掃費用
    • 類義語: oil spill recovery costs, remediation expenses
  6. Fraction
    • 英訳: A small part or portion of something
    • 和訳: 一部、断片
    • 類義語: portion, segment, piece
  7. Disparity
    • 英訳: A significant difference or inequality between two or more things
    • 和訳: 格差、不均衡
    • 類義語: inequality, difference, imbalance
  8. Double-edged sword
    • 英訳: A situation or decision that has both positive and negative consequences
    • 和訳: 諸刃の剣
    • 類義語: mixed blessing, two-sided issue, paradox
  9. Pollutant
    • 英訳: A substance that pollutes, especially a contaminant in the environment
    • 和訳: 汚染物質
    • 類義語: contaminant, toxin, impurity
  10. Disproportionate
    • 英訳: Too large or too small in comparison to something else
    • 和訳: 不釣り合いな、過度の
    • 類義語: excessive, imbalanced, unequal




The global livestock industry faces numerous challenges in providing adequate nutrition for animals while maintaining sustainable practices. Traditionally, livestock have been reared in various environments, from open pastures to cramped and unsanitary conditions in some industrial farms. This raises concerns about animal welfare and the quality of the feed they consume.

One contender for improving livestock feed is the shift toward plant-based alternatives and even insect-based feeds. These options are singled out as both environmentally friendly and cost-effective, with many experts emphasizing that they could supplant traditional grain-based feeds in the future. This transition, however, is not without pushback. Critics argue that switching feeds might affect the health of the animals and that there are significant variables to consider, such as climate, region, and specific animal needs.

The need for better feed options is particularly dire in regions where livestock farming is a major part of the economy, and the rising cost of traditional feed has made farmers resort to alternative methods, even if they are not yet proven to be a silver bullet for all problems. Batch testing of new feeds has produced mixed results, with some showing promise while others reveal unforeseen complications.

Despite this, efforts to create more sustainable and healthier feed are commendable. The potential benefits of reducing reliance on grain or soy, which require large amounts of land and water, cannot be overlooked. In light of the growing need for environmental sustainability, investing in new feed types is certainly a worthwhile endeavor.

Nevertheless, it’s important to underline that no solution will work outright for every farmer or every type of livestock. There are countless variables that make a one-size-fits-all solution impossible. However, with proper research and the gradual introduction of alternative feeds, the livestock industry can continue to improve its practices and find more sustainable paths forward.



  1. Livestock
    • 英訳 (English translation): Domesticated animals raised in an agricultural setting to produce commodities like food and fiber
    • 和訳 (Japanese translation): 家畜
    • 類義語 (Synonyms): farm animals, cattle, herds
  2. Contender
    • 英訳: A person or thing competing to achieve something
    • 和訳: 競争者、有力候補
    • 類義語: competitor, challenger, candidate
  3. Single out
    • 英訳: To choose one person or thing from a group for special attention
    • 和訳: 選び出す
    • 類義語: select, highlight, pick
  4. Underline
    • 英訳: To emphasize or highlight the importance of something
    • 和訳: 強調する、下線を引く
    • 類義語: emphasize, stress, highlight
  5. Dire
    • 英訳: Extremely serious or urgent
    • 和訳: 緊急の、深刻な
    • 類義語: severe, critical, alarming
  6. Pushback
    • 英訳: Resistance or opposition to a plan or idea
    • 和訳: 抵抗、反発
    • 類義語: resistance, backlash, opposition
  7. Unsanitary
    • 英訳: Not clean and not healthy
    • 和訳: 非衛生的な
    • 類義語: unhygienic, dirty, unhealthy
  8. Cramped
    • 英訳: Confined or restricted in space
    • 和訳: 狭苦しい
    • 類義語: confined, crowded, restricted
  9. Rear in
    • 英訳: To raise or bring up (animals)
    • 和訳: 育てる
    • 類義語: raise, nurture, breed
  10. Worthwhile
    • 英訳: Worth the time, effort, or cost
    • 和訳: 価値がある
    • 類義語: valuable, beneficial, rewarding
  11. Variable
    • 英訳: An element, feature, or factor that is liable to vary or change
    • 和訳: 変数、変わりやすい要素
    • 類義語: factor, element, parameter
  12. Batch
    • 英訳: A quantity of goods produced at one time
    • 和訳: ひとまとめ、一回分
    • 類義語: group, lot, collection
  13. Resort to
    • 英訳: To turn to or adopt a strategy, typically one that is undesirable, in order to solve a problem
    • 和訳: 〜に頼る
    • 類義語: fall back on, turn to, use
  14. Supplant
    • 英訳: To replace or take the place of something
    • 和訳: 取って代わる
    • 類義語: replace, substitute, displace
  15. A silver bullet
    • 英訳: A simple solution to a complex problem
    • 和訳: 万能薬
    • 類義語: quick fix, cure-all, panacea
  16. Outright
    • 英訳: Completely, without any reservation or hesitation
    • 和訳: 完全に、すぐに
    • 類義語: completely, absolutely, fully
  17. Commendable
    • 英訳: Deserving praise or approval
    • 和訳: 称賛に値する
    • 類義語: praiseworthy, admirable, laudable


