

「歴史」に関する英検1級に出そうな長文対策用パッセジ                    ~「目安の時間」を参考に、精読する練習をしてみましょう!


The transatlantic slave trade stands as one of the most grievous undertakings in human history. European nations, in their endeavor to consolidate economic power and expand territories, embarked on the mass capture and transport of millions of Africans, forcing them into slavery in the Americas. The plight of these enslaved individuals was unimaginable. Many worked under gruesome conditions, controlled by overseers whose sole aim was to extract maximum labor, often through brutal and inhumane methods. While a few missionaries attempted to improve the lives of the enslaved, most European governments condoned the system, viewing the exploitation as a necessary evil for their colonial ambitions.

Slavery was marked by countless atrocities, from the violent raids that tore families apart to the forced transport under unspeakable conditions. The cruelty experienced by those caught in this system was hideous, both physically and mentally. Occasionally, slaves would rise up against their captors, but these rebellions were met with equally violent retribution, reinforcing the reprehensive nature of the system.

The overseers were tasked with maintaining order and ensuring slaves met their daily quotas, often resorting to brutal punishments. The economic focus on efficiency skewed any recognition of the enslaved people’s humanity, reducing them to mere commodities. Although some European countries later sought to rein in the slave trade, the damage had already been done. The horrific system’s repercussions reverberate to this day, with the scars of slavery still present in many African and diaspora communities.

Although some argued that the slave trade brought economic growth to Europe, the cost was far greater for those who suffered. The plight of these enslaved people, torn from their homelands and stripped of their basic human rights, remains a testament to the reprehensive practices that the world eventually came to condemn. The hideous legacy of the transatlantic slave trade continues to affect generations, with its consequences felt in the inequalities and social divisions that still persist globally.


  1. Endeavor
    • 英訳 (English translation): A serious effort or attempt to accomplish something
    • 和訳 (Japanese translation): 努力、試み
    • 類義語 (Synonyms): attempt, effort, undertaking
  2. Consolidate
    • 英訳: To combine or bring together into a stronger or more effective whole
    • 和訳: 強化する、統合する
    • 類義語: strengthen, unify, merge
  3. Overseer
    • 英訳: A person who supervises or manages the work of others
    • 和訳: 監督者
    • 類義語: supervisor, manager, taskmaster
  4. Gruesome
    • 英訳: Causing horror or disgust
    • 和訳: 恐ろしい、ゾッとするような
    • 類義語: horrific, ghastly, hideous
  5. Rein in
    • 英訳: To control or limit something
    • 和訳: 抑制する、制御する
    • 類義語: curb, restrain, control
  6. Missionary
    • 英訳: A person sent on a religious mission, particularly to promote Christianity
    • 和訳: 宣教師
    • 類義語: evangelist, preacher, apostle
  7. Condone
    • 英訳: To accept or allow morally wrong behavior to continue
    • 和訳: 容認する、見逃す
    • 類義語: overlook, excuse, tolerate
  8. Atrocity
    • 英訳: A highly brutal and violent act, especially in war
    • 和訳: 残虐行為
    • 類義語: outrage, crime, horror
  9. Embark on
    • 英訳: To begin a journey or project
    • 和訳: 着手する、始める
    • 類義語: start, undertake, commence
  10. Raid
    • 英訳: A sudden attack or invasion
    • 和訳: 襲撃、侵入
    • 類義語: assault, attack, incursion
  11. Rise up against
    • 英訳: To rebel or revolt
    • 和訳: 反抗する、立ち上がる
    • 類義語: rebel, resist, revolt
  12. Reprehensive
    • 英訳: Deserving of strong criticism or blame
    • 和訳: 非難すべき
    • 類義語: deplorable, shameful, blameworthy
  13. Skew
    • 英訳: To distort or alter the truth or a situation
    • 和訳: 歪める、偏らせる
    • 類義語: distort, misrepresent, bias
  14. Inadvertently
    • 英訳: Without intention or accidentally
    • 和訳: 不注意で、偶然に
    • 類義語: unintentionally, accidentally, unknowingly
  15. Hideous
    • 英訳: Extremely ugly or unpleasant
    • 和訳: 恐ろしい、醜い
    • 類義語: horrendous, repulsive, grotesque
  16. Repercussion
    • 英訳: An unintended and usually negative consequence
    • 和訳: 余波、反響
    • 類義語: consequence, effect, aftermath
  17. Reverberate
    • 英訳: To have a lasting or ongoing effect
    • 和訳: 反響する、響き渡る
    • 類義語: echo, resound, resonate
  18. Plight
    • 英訳: A dangerous, difficult, or otherwise unfortunate situation
    • 和訳: 苦境、窮状
    • 類義語: predicament, hardship, struggle




Irish history is filled with moments of struggle and resilience. During the centuries-long resistance to British rule, many Irish patriots aspired to an independent nation, free from colonial control. In the 19th century, Ireland became a land ripe for revolution as nationalists grew weary of economic hardships and cultural suppression. Although British forces attempted to divert revolutionary efforts through military means and concessions, they could by no means suppress the growing demand for independence.

When the Irish Republican Army (IRA) was formed, its members valiantly fought for freedom, often using guerrilla tactics to counter the well-armed British artillery and military. Despite facing harsh retaliations, including mass arrests and executions, these freedom fighters continued their efforts unimpeded, believing in the righteousness of their cause. Many in the British government proclaimed that they would never allow Irish independence, but the movement only grew stronger. The Easter Rising of 1916 was a key moment, where Irish fighters valiantly took on British forces, though the uprising was ultimately crushed.

In the aftermath of the rebellion, British forces sought retaliation, executing many of the uprising’s leaders. However, rather than quelling the desire for independence, these actions galvanized the Irish population, inspiring more to join the cause. Local squads were formed to carry out coordinated attacks against British targets, and while the British military responded with overwhelming force, they could not break the spirit of the Irish fighters.

By 1921, after years of intense conflict, a treaty was signed that allowed for the establishment of the Irish Free State, but it fell short of full independence, particularly in the northern counties. Nevertheless, the Irish people had made significant progress towards their aspirations. This victory was achieved, in part, by the tireless work of individuals who followed the rule to do what was necessary for the greater good, often at great personal cost. Today, the memory of those who fought for Irish independence continues to galvanize the nation as it reflects on its history and ongoing challenges.


  1. Divert
    • 英訳 (English translation): To change the direction of something
    • 和訳 (Japanese translation): 方向を変える、そらす
    • 類義語 (Synonyms): redirect, deflect, reroute
  2. By no means
    • 英訳: Not at all; certainly not
    • 和訳: 決して〜ではない
    • 類義語: not at all, in no way, under no circumstances
  3. Proclaim
    • 英訳: To declare something publicly or officially
    • 和訳: 宣言する、公表する
    • 類義語: announce, declare, profess
  4. Ripe
    • 英訳: Ready for action or development; mature
    • 和訳: 成熟した、機が熟した
    • 類義語: ready, mature, prepared
  5. Aspire
    • 英訳: To aim for or have a strong desire to achieve something
    • 和訳: 志望する、目指す
    • 類義語: aim, seek, strive
  6. Unimpeded
    • 英訳: Without obstruction or hindrance
    • 和訳: 妨げられない、自由に
    • 類義語: unobstructed, unhampered, unhindered
  7. Artillery
    • 英訳: Large-caliber guns used in warfare
    • 和訳: 大砲、砲兵隊
    • 類義語: cannons, heavy guns, ordnance
  8. Valiantly
    • 英訳: Bravely, with great courage
    • 和訳: 勇敢に
    • 類義語: courageously, gallantly, heroically
  9. Retaliation
    • 英訳: Revenge, an action taken in response to an attack or offense
    • 和訳: 報復、復讐
    • 類義語: reprisal, revenge, counterattack
  10. Squad
    • 英訳: A small group of people working together, often in a military context
    • 和訳: 部隊、小隊
    • 類義語: team, unit, group
  11. Galvanize
    • 英訳: To shock or excite someone into action
    • 和訳: 活気づける、奮い立たせる
    • 類義語: motivate, inspire, spur




In the early 20th century, the fear of communism in America began to heighten significantly, particularly after the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia. Many political leaders, concerned about the potential spread of communist ideology, worked to stoke fears of communist infiltration within the United States, often based on unfounded suspicions. Those who were thought to support communism were despised by the American public, and there were attempts to overturn their influence in various sectors of society.

During this period, it was believed that communists had begun to infiltrate labor unions, sparking unrest and protests across the nation. The American government, vowing to fight this threat, launched investigations to root out communist influence in politics, labor, and culture. In the infamous Red Scare, many were dragged through the gutter of public opinion, often without solid evidence of wrongdoing.

Communist sympathies were seen as a tacit threat to American democracy, and Senator McCarthy’s commission aggressively pursued those he suspected of communist affiliations. Through stealthy surveillance tactics, the government aimed to subdue any potential threats. This led to a climate of fear, where preferential treatment was given to those who vocally opposed communism, and many were conscripted into the anti-communist crusade.

Under the behest of certain political factions, damning reports were published, accusing public figures of communist sympathies. These accusations, often supported by intimidation and scare tactics, further exerted pressure on those who were suspected of communist leanings. As communist paranoia spread, mobs would often go on a rampage, attacking those thought to be associated with the ideology.

However, this atmosphere of fear and political expediency led to widespread disillusion with the anti-communist movement. As the public began to see the mudslinging and false accusations for what they were, the government slowly backed away from its most aggressive tactics. Ultimately, the Red Scare gave way to a period of reflection, and a political purge of those responsible for the witch hunts began.


  1. Communism
    • 英訳 (English translation): A political ideology advocating for a classless society and collective ownership of property
    • 和訳 (Japanese translation): 共産主義
    • 類義語 (Synonyms): socialism, Marxism, collectivism
  2. Heighten
    • 英訳: To increase or intensify
    • 和訳: 高まる、強まる
    • 類義語: intensify, elevate, amplify
  3. Stoke
    • 英訳: To fuel or incite, often in a negative context
    • 和訳: 煽る、かき立てる
    • 類義語: incite, provoke, fuel
  4. Unfounded
    • 英訳: Without basis in fact
    • 和訳: 根拠のない
    • 類義語: baseless, groundless, unsupported
  5. Despise
    • 英訳: To strongly dislike or hold in contempt
    • 和訳: 軽蔑する、嫌悪する
    • 類義語: detest, scorn, disdain
  6. Overturn
    • 英訳: To reverse or change a decision or situation
    • 和訳: 覆す
    • 類義語: reverse, annul, invalidate
  7. Infiltrate
    • 英訳: To secretly enter a group or organization to cause damage or gather information
    • 和訳: 潜入する
    • 類義語: penetrate, sneak in, invade
  8. Unrest
    • 英訳: A state of dissatisfaction or disturbance
    • 和訳: 不安、騒動
    • 類義語: turmoil, disorder, chaos
  9. Vow to
    • 英訳: To make a solemn promise to do something
    • 和訳: ~すると誓う
    • 類義語: pledge, commit, swear
  10. Gutter
  • 英訳: The lowest or most degraded level
  • 和訳: どん底
  • 類義語: low point, bottom, depths
  1. Tacit
  • 英訳: Implied or understood without being stated directly
  • 和訳: 暗黙の
  • 類義語: implicit, unspoken, understood
  1. Commission
  • 英訳: A group or body appointed to carry out a specific task
  • 和訳: 委員会
  • 類義語: committee, board, panel
  1. Stealthy
  • 英訳: Acting in a secretive or sneaky manner
  • 和訳: こっそりと
  • 類義語: sneaky, furtive, covert
  1. Subdue
  • 英訳: To bring under control, often by force
  • 和訳: 鎮圧する
  • 類義語: suppress, overpower, conquer
  1. Preferential
  • 英訳: Giving advantage or favor to one party
  • 和訳: 優遇の
  • 類義語: favored, advantaged, privileged
  1. Conscript into
  • 英訳: To force someone to join or enlist, typically into the military or a cause
  • 和訳: 徴兵する
  • 類義語: draft, recruit, enlist
  1. Crusade
  • 英訳: A vigorous campaign in favor of a cause
  • 和訳: 運動、改革運動
  • 類義語: campaign, movement, drive
  1. Behest
  • 英訳: A command or urgent request
  • 和訳: 命令、要請
  • 類義語: order, directive, instruction
  1. Damning report
  • 英訳: A report that strongly criticizes or condemns
  • 和訳: 厳しく非難する報告
  • 類義語: incriminating, condemning, scathing
  1. Intimidation
  • 英訳: The act of frightening or threatening someone
  • 和訳: 脅迫
  • 類義語: bullying, coercion, threatening
  1. Exert
  • 英訳: To apply force or influence
  • 和訳: 行使する、働きかける
  • 類義語: apply, wield, exercise
  1. Rampage
  • 英訳: A period of violent or uncontrollable behavior
  • 和訳: 暴れまわる
  • 類義語: riot, havoc, turmoil
  1. Expediency
  • 英訳: The quality of being convenient or practical, even if immoral
  • 和訳: 便宜、利便性
  • 類義語: convenience, advantage, pragmatism
  1. Disillusion
  • 英訳: The loss of faith or belief in something previously respected
  • 和訳: 幻滅
  • 類義語: disenchantment, disappointment, letdown
  1. Mudslinging
  • 英訳: The use of insults and accusations to damage someone’s reputation
  • 和訳: 中傷合戦
  • 類義語: slander, defamation, smear
  1. Purge
  • 英訳: To remove undesirable elements from a group or organization
  • 和訳: 粛清する、一掃する
  • 類義語: cleanse, remove, eradicate




The Mediterranean has always been a region of deep historical significance, and understanding its past requires delving into various conceptual frameworks. Prominent historians who focus on this area have developed unique approaches, often seen as mavericks for their unconventional interpretations. These scholars expand the scope of historical analysis by considering not just political events but also social and environmental factors, such as disturbance within the natural topography and how it shaped human development.

One area of particular interest to these historians is the role of peasants in shaping Mediterranean history. Often seen as mere laborers, peasants were in fact deeply intertwined with the regional economy, their efforts recorded in ancient ledgers as they contributed to the production of essential commodities like olive oil and grain. The landscape’s varied topography, from mountainous terrains to fertile plains, created both opportunities and challenges for these communities, often leading to subtle, almost imperceptible shifts in the balance of power between local rulers and the peasantry.

Historians who study this region also place great emphasis on the trade routes that connected the Mediterranean with other parts of the world. These trade routes were not just corridors for goods but also avenues for the spread of ideas, religions, and cultures. While the exchanges were often implicit, some aspects were more explicit, especially when it came to the trading of luxury items and commodities like silk, spices, and precious metals. These historians argue that understanding these explicit economic activities can reveal much about the broader geopolitical dynamics of the region.


  1. Conceptually
    • 英訳 (English translation): In terms of ideas or concepts
    • 和訳 (Japanese translation): 概念的に
    • 類義語 (Synonyms): theoretically, abstractly, intellectually
  2. Prominent
    • 英訳: Important and well-known
    • 和訳: 重要な、著名な
    • 類義語: notable, distinguished, renowned
  3. Mavericks
    • 英訳: Independent thinkers who do not conform to standard ideas
    • 和訳: 型破りな人、独立独行の人
    • 類義語: nonconformists, innovators, radicals
  4. Scope
    • 英訳: The range or extent of something
    • 和訳: 範囲、領域
    • 類義語: range, breadth, extent
  5. Disturbance
    • 英訳: An interruption or disruption
    • 和訳: 混乱、妨害
    • 類義語: disruption, disorder, turbulence
  6. Peasant
    • 英訳: A poor farmer of low social status
    • 和訳: 農民、小作人
    • 類義語: farmer, serf, rural worker
  7. Ledger
    • 英訳: A book or system for recording financial accounts
    • 和訳: 会計簿、台帳
    • 類義語: account book, register, journal
  8. Topography
    • 英訳: The arrangement of natural and artificial features of an area
    • 和訳: 地形、地勢
    • 類義語: terrain, landscape, geography
  9. Imperceptible
    • 英訳: So slight or gradual as to not be perceived
    • 和訳: 感知できない、微妙な
    • 類義語: subtle, unnoticeable, invisible
  10. Commodity
    • 英訳: A raw material or product that can be traded
    • 和訳: 商品、産物
    • 類義語: goods, merchandise, product
  11. Explicit
    • 英訳: Clearly stated and leaving no room for confusion
    • 和訳: 明確な、はっきりした
    • 類義語: clear, direct, unequivocal




The history of Mexico’s independence is a story of meddling powers, internal strife, and a yearning for autonomy. The Spanish crown held an unrivaled grip over the region, exercising control over the local population and resources for centuries. However, as new ideas about governance spread across the Americas, various factions in Mexico began to push for change. To this end, independence leaders such as Miguel Hidalgo and José María Morelos rallied the people, appealing to their desire for freedom from colonial rule. They worked tirelessly to petition the Spanish authorities for reforms, though their efforts were often met with resistance.

The independence movement was not without conflict. Spanish loyalists, often puppeteered by officials in Madrid, schemed to maintain their influence. Animosity grew between these factions, ultimately leading to open rebellion. The expulsion of the Spanish from Mexico was not immediate; it took years of fighting and negotiation before independence could be assumed.

One of the most notable moments in Mexico’s independence was the recall of the last Spanish viceroy, Juan O’Donojú, who was forced to sign the Treaty of Córdoba, acknowledging Mexico’s sovereignty. This treaty paved the way for Agustín de Iturbide to become the first emperor of independent Mexico. However, Iturbide’s reign was short-lived, and he was soon overthrown by those who felt he did not uphold the ideals of the revolution. His successor, Guadalupe Victoria, became the first president of Mexico.

The struggle for independence also saw the use of various tactics. When diplomatic efforts failed, the revolutionaries had no choice but to resort to armed conflict. In this way, the sword became the instrument through which independence was finally achieved. The Mexican War of Independence is hailed as a monumental success, yet it was not without sacrifice. The vision of a free Mexico was born from the turmoil of revolution and the defeat of a powerful empire.


  1. Meddling
    • 英訳 (English translation): Interfering in something without invitation or need
    • 和訳 (Japanese translation): 干渉する、お節介を焼く
    • 類義語 (Synonyms): interfering, intruding, tampering
  2. To this end
    • 英訳: With this goal in mind
    • 和訳: この目的のために
    • 類義語: for this purpose, in order to, with this aim
  3. Scheme
    • 英訳: A secret or devious plan
    • 和訳: 計画、陰謀
    • 類義語: plan, plot, conspiracy
  4. Faction
    • 英訳: A small, organized, dissenting group within a larger one
    • 和訳: 派閥、分派
    • 類義語: group, clique, sect
  5. Puppeteer
    • 英訳: Someone who controls or manipulates others
    • 和訳: 操り人形使い、操る人
    • 類義語: manipulator, controller, orchestrator
  6. Unrivaled
    • 英訳: Without competition or equal
    • 和訳: 無敵の、比類のない
    • 類義語: unmatched, peerless, supreme
  7. Animosity
    • 英訳: Strong hostility
    • 和訳: 敵意、憎しみ
    • 類義語: hostility, resentment, hatred
  8. Expulsion
    • 英訳: The action of forcing someone to leave
    • 和訳: 追放、放逐
    • 類義語: removal, ejection, ousting
  9. Assume
    • 英訳: To take or begin to have power or responsibility
    • 和訳: (役割・責任を)引き受ける
    • 類義語: take on, adopt, seize
  10. Instrument
    • 英訳: A means by which something is achieved
    • 和訳: 手段、道具
    • 類義語: tool, means, mechanism
  11. Petition
    • 英訳: A formal written request for change or action
    • 和訳: 嘆願、請願
    • 類義語: appeal, request, plea
  12. Recall
    • 英訳: To bring back or remove someone from office
    • 和訳: 解任、召還
    • 類義語: remove, dismiss, oust
  13. Hail
    • 英訳: To praise or acknowledge publicly
    • 和訳: 称賛する、認める
    • 類義語: acclaim, applaud, commend
  14. Uphold
    • 英訳: To maintain or defend
    • 和訳: 守る、支持する
    • 類義語: support, sustain, defend
  15. Successor
    • 英訳: A person who comes after another in a position of power
    • 和訳: 後継者、後任者
    • 類義語: heir, next in line, replacement
  16. Resort to
    • 英訳: To use something as a final option
    • 和訳: ~に訴える、頼る
    • 類義語: turn to, fall back on, employ


