

「宗教」に関する英検1級に出そうな長文対策用パッセジ                    ~「目安の時間」を参考に、精読する練習をしてみましょう!


In many religious traditions, practitioners often seek to connect with forces beyond the natural world, exploring realms that some might consider supernatural. These individuals, whether shamans, priests, or spiritual healers, are often seen as mediators between the physical world and a higher power. Their rituals, chants, and use of sacred paraphernalia—such as candles, incense, or specific artifacts—are designed to invoke spiritual energies or to symbolize deeper truths.

While some religious followers simply adhere to established customs, others may emulate the practices of revered figures from their faith. For example, by following the teachings and actions of saints, prophets, or enlightened beings, they hope to achieve a closer connection with the divine or attain spiritual enlightenment themselves.

Religious leaders and scholars often take it upon themselves to expound on these practices, explaining their origins, significance, and purpose. Through sermons, scriptures, and texts, they aim to clarify how and why these rituals are performed, providing believers with a deeper understanding of their faith.

However, the role of the supernatural in religion is not without controversy. While some embrace it wholeheartedly, others question its legitimacy, viewing these beliefs as metaphors or symbols rather than literal truths. Regardless of the debate, supernatural elements remain a powerful and enduring aspect of many world religions.


  1. Practitioner
    • 英訳 (English translation): A person actively engaged in an art, discipline, or profession, especially in medicine or religion
    • 和訳 (Japanese translation): 実践者、専門家
    • 類義語 (Synonyms): professional, expert, follower
  2. Emulate
    • 英訳: To imitate someone or something, typically with the aim of equaling or surpassing them
    • 和訳: 模倣する、見習う
    • 類義語: imitate, follow, mimic
  3. Supernatural
    • 英訳: Attributed to some force beyond scientific understanding or the laws of nature
    • 和訳: 超自然的な
    • 類義語: paranormal, mystical, otherworldly
  4. Paraphernalia
    • 英訳: Miscellaneous items, especially the equipment needed for a particular activity
    • 和訳: 道具、装飾品
    • 類義語: equipment, gear, apparatus
  5. Expound
    • 英訳: To explain or describe something in great detail
    • 和訳: 詳しく説明する、解説する
    • 類義語: explain, elaborate, clarify


