「ジェンダー」に関する英検1級に出そうな長文対策用パッセジ ~「目安の時間」を参考に、精読する練習をしてみましょう!
In the post-war period, upper-class women in many societies experienced an unparalleled level of material comfort and social stability. Life for these women often appeared placid on the surface, with expectations to maintain a household, attend social events, and tend crops of elegance and grace in their everyday routines. However, beneath this seeming bliss, there were growing feelings of dissatisfaction and frustration, as women increasingly recognized the shortcomings of their limited roles in society.
The post-war era brought with it rapid economic growth and shifting social dynamics, yet the roles assigned to women often remained stagnant. While their male counterparts were allowed to fully re-enter the workforce and engage in public life, upper-class women were frequently expected to maintain traditional domestic roles, ultimately being confined to the private sphere of the home. The expectation that they should find bliss in this role, despite their capabilities and education, was a provocative issue that sparked debates around gender equality.
Many of these women found that the prescribed lifestyle, which appeared to be one of wealth and privilege, left them longing for more. They began to question the social structures that kept them from professional and intellectual fulfillment. The shortcomings of this system were highlighted as women sought new opportunities, aiming to break free from the constraints that society had placed on them. The movement toward gender equality, which had gained momentum before the war, surged forward as women recognized that they, too, had the right to pursue careers, political power, and personal independence. Over time, women made significant strides in pushing societal boundaries, challenging gender norms, and securing more rights and opportunities for future generations.
Though change was slow, it was the provocative voices of these women, challenging the status quo, that ultimately led to important strides in gender equality. They highlighted the need for a society where women were valued not just for their roles within the home but also as individuals capable of contributing to all areas of public and private life.
- Unparalleled
- 英訳 (English translation): Having no equal; unmatched
- 和訳 (Japanese translation): 比類ない、無比の
- 類義語 (Synonyms): unmatched, unrivaled, exceptional
- Placid
- 英訳: Calm and peaceful
- 和訳: 穏やかな、静かな
- 類義語: serene, tranquil, peaceful
- Ultimately
- 英訳: In the end; finally
- 和訳: 最終的に、結局
- 類義語: finally, eventually, in the end
- Tend crops
- 英訳: To care for or look after plants or responsibilities
- 和訳: 作物を世話する、面倒を見る
- 類義語: nurture, look after, cultivate
- Bliss
- 英訳: Perfect happiness; joy
- 和訳: 至福、幸せ
- 類義語: happiness, joy, delight
- Provocative
- 英訳: Causing discussion, thought, or argument
- 和訳: 挑発的な、議論を引き起こす
- 類義語: stimulating, controversial, thought-provoking
- Shortcomings
- 英訳: Failures, weaknesses, or inadequacies
- 和訳: 欠点、不備
- 類義語: flaws, weaknesses, limitations
- Stride
- 英訳: A significant advance or improvement
- 和訳: 大きな進歩、進展
- 類義語: progress, step, advancement