

「グローバリズム」に関する英検1級に出そうな長文対策用パッセジ                    ~「目安の時間」を参考に、精読する練習をしてみましょう!


The European Union (EU) was established as a response to the fragmentation that has historically plagued Europe. For centuries, conflicts between nations caused economic and political instability. The EU aimed to create a unified political and economic entity, conducive to peace and cooperation across borders. However, as globalization continues to overtake traditional regional systems, the EU now faces new challenges that test its ability to maintain unity while respecting the sovereignty of its member states.

Globalization has spurred economic growth, technological innovation, and free trade across Europe, but it has also introduced complexities. Some member states contend that certain EU policies disproportionately benefit stronger economies, leaving weaker nations behind. These disparities lead to debates about whether full conformity to EU regulations is always worthwhile, especially when national interests are at risk.

Moreover, the social and economic challenges plaguing some member states further exacerbate tensions. While EU-wide initiatives aim to address these problems, they often result in pushback from countries that feel their autonomy is being compromised. Nevertheless, advocates argue that the benefits of integration, such as increased mobility, economic cooperation, and a stronger collective voice on the global stage, outweigh the drawbacks.

As the global economy continues to evolve, the EU must determine how to adapt while keeping its unity intact. Whether this delicate balance can be maintained remains an ongoing question, especially as the pressures of globalization continue to reshape the European landscape.UnsplashChristian Lueが撮影した写真


  1. Plague
    • 英訳 (English translation): To cause continual trouble or distress
    • 和訳 (Japanese translation): 苦しめる、悩ませる
    • 類義語 (Synonyms): afflict, torment, trouble
  2. Fragmentation
    • 英訳: The process of breaking into smaller parts
    • 和訳: 分裂、断片化
    • 類義語: division, disintegration, break-up
  3. Overtake
    • 英訳: To become greater or more successful than something
    • 和訳: 追い越す、凌ぐ
    • 類義語: surpass, outpace, exceed
  4. Conducive
    • 英訳: Making a certain outcome likely or possible
    • 和訳: 〜に貢献する、助けとなる
    • 類義語: favorable, beneficial, helpful
  5. Spur
    • 英訳: To encourage or prompt action or development
    • 和訳: 拍車をかける、促進する
    • 類義語: stimulate, drive, provoke
  6. Contend
    • 英訳: To argue or state a strong opinion
    • 和訳: 主張する、争う
    • 類義語: argue, assert, claim
  7. Worthwhile
    • 英訳: Worth the time, money, or effort
    • 和訳: 価値がある
    • 類義語: valuable, beneficial, rewarding
  8. Conformity
    • 英訳: Behavior in accordance with socially accepted standards
    • 和訳: 順応、一致
    • 類義語: compliance, adherence, obedience


