イメージで覚える英単語 (1級)生物編


「生物」に関する英検1級に出そうな長文対策用パッセジ                    ~「目安の時間」を参考に、精読する練習をしてみましょう!


In the animal kingdom, survival often comes at a cost. Predators must use their vantage points wisely, scanning the terrain for potential prey. Once they spot a target, they must act quickly, for missing an opportunity could mean days of solitary hunger. When a predator finally catches its prey, it enjoys a rare feast, but the energy expended in the hunt renders the reward bittersweet.

UnsplashDavid Clodeが撮影した写真


  1. Feast
    • 英訳 (English translation): A large, satisfying meal
    • 和訳 (Japanese translation): 大宴会、豪華な食事
    • 類義語 (Synonyms): banquet, spread, meal
  2. Render
    • 英訳: To cause something to become or to provide
    • 和訳: 〜を…にする、変える
    • 類義語: make, cause, deliver
  3. Vantage
    • 英訳: A position that gives a strategic advantage or a wide view
    • 和訳: 有利な位置、見晴らしの良い場所
    • 類義語: advantage, viewpoint, position
  4. Come at a cost
    • 英訳: To have a negative consequence or require a sacrifice
    • 和訳: 代償を伴う
    • 類義語: involve a sacrifice, have consequences
  5. Solitary
    • 英訳: Alone, without companions
    • 和訳: 孤独な、ひとりの
    • 類義語: alone, isolated, lonely
  6. Expend
    • 英訳 (English translation): To use up or spend (resources such as time, energy, or money)
    • 和訳 (Japanese translation): 消費する、使い果たす
    • 類義語 (Synonyms): use up, consume, deplete, spend




In the study of animal behavior, it is widely accepted that animals respond to external stimuli in order to survive and adapt to their environments. These stimuli can range from changes in temperature to the presence of predators or food. While there is a scientific consensus that animals react instinctively to such changes, some researchers still dispute the extent to which higher-level cognition plays a role in these responses. For instance, the question of whether animals experience emotions similar to humans remains a topic of ongoing debate.

However, despite the disagreements in the scientific community, there is a somber realization that many species are struggling to adapt to rapid environmental changes caused by human activity. This unfortunate fact emphasizes the importance of understanding animal behavior at both instinctual and cognitive levels, as our actions continue to impact the natural world.


  1. Stimuli
    • 英訳 (English translation): Things that provoke a response or reaction in an organism
    • 和訳 (Japanese translation): 刺激
    • 類義語 (Synonyms): signals, triggers, cues
  2. Dispute
    • 英訳: To argue against or challenge
    • 和訳: 議論する、異議を唱える
    • 類義語: debate, challenge, contest
  3. Scientific Consensus
    • 英訳: General agreement among scientists based on evidence
    • 和訳: 科学的な合意、科学的な総意
    • 類義語: general agreement, accepted theory
  4. Somber Realization
    • 英訳: A serious and often sad understanding of a difficult truth
    • 和訳: 深刻な認識、憂鬱な現実認識
    • 類義語: grave understanding, serious realization, solemn truth




Recent advances in DNA research have led to noteworthy discoveries regarding the genetic factors that contribute to diabetes and obesity. These two conditions, which have become increasingly common in many parts of the world, are closely linked to specific genetic variations. Researchers have found that certain genes can influence how the body processes sugar and stores fat, which may precipitate the development of these diseases in individuals with a genetic predisposition.

To combat the growing health crisis, scientists are exploring ways to administer targeted gene therapies. These treatments could potentially alter or correct problematic genes, offering hope for those at risk. However, genetic variations are not uniformly distributed across populations; instead, they tend to disperse according to geographic and ethnic factors. Understanding these patterns is critical for developing effective treatments that can be tailored to different groups.

As DNA research continues to progress, the implications for treating and preventing conditions like diabetes and obesity are profound. The ability to intervene at the genetic level represents a major step forward in personalized medicine.


  1. Noteworthy
    • 英訳 (English translation): Worthy of attention or significant
    • 和訳 (Japanese translation): 注目に値する、顕著な
    • 類義語 (Synonyms): significant, remarkable, notable
  2. Diabetes
    • 英訳: A chronic disease that affects how the body processes blood sugar (glucose)
    • 和訳: 糖尿病
    • 類義語: high blood sugar condition, hyperglycemia (in medical terms)
  3. Obesity
    • 英訳: A medical condition characterized by excessive body fat
    • 和訳: 肥満
    • 類義語: overweight, corpulence, adiposity
  4. Disperse
    • 英訳: To spread out or distribute widely
    • 和訳: 分散する、散布する
    • 類義語: scatter, spread, diffuse
  5. Precipitate
    • 英訳: To cause something to happen suddenly or prematurely
    • 和訳: 引き起こす、促進する
    • 類義語: trigger, accelerate, hasten
  6. Administer
    • 英訳: To give or apply a treatment or medication
    • 和訳: 投与する、管理する
    • 類義語: dispense, apply, provide




The study of memory has revealed fascinating insights into how the brain processes and stores information. When we encounter novel experiences, the brain works hard to form new neural connections, a process that is critical for long-term memory retention. These new experiences, if repeated or practiced, eventually become ingrained in the brain, making them easier to recall.

Over time, the brain accrues a vast amount of information from different experiences. This accumulated knowledge is essential, as individuals constantly draw on past memories to navigate new situations, solve problems, or make decisions. Without this ability to retrieve stored memories, learning would be significantly impaired.

Understanding how memories are formed, stored, and recalled not only helps explain human behavior but also opens the door to improving memory retention techniques and addressing memory-related conditions.

UnsplashBioscience Image Library by Fayette Reynoldsが撮影した写真


  1. Novel
    • 英訳 (English translation): New or unusual, especially in a way that is interesting
    • 和訳 (Japanese translation): 斬新な、新しい
    • 類義語 (Synonyms): new, innovative, fresh
  2. Ingrain
    • 英訳: To firmly establish something, especially a habit or idea, so that it is unlikely to change
    • 和訳: 〜に根付かせる、深く刻み込む
    • 類義語: embed, establish, instill
  3. Accrue
    • 英訳: To accumulate or gather over time
    • 和訳: 蓄積する、増加する
    • 類義語: accumulate, amass, build up
  4. Draw on
    • 英訳: To use information, skills, or resources from a source
    • 和訳: 〜に頼る、活用する
    • 類義語: utilize, rely on, make use of




In the aftermath of a tsunami, researchers often allege that the devastating waves were preceded by unusual animal behavior, as there are reports of animal sightings in higher ground areas just before the disaster. These behaviors are said to act as natural warning signals, potentially giving unsuspecting populations a chance to escape the destructive forces of the water. However, some scientists believe that these are simply rogue occurrences, isolated events that do not necessarily predicate a major disaster.

When a tsunami strikes, it can ravage entire ecosystems, uprooting trees and displacing species from their natural habitats. The sheer power of these waves can make survival treacherous, not just for humans, but for a host of animal species. Birds, mammals, and marine life are all at risk when their environments are suddenly flooded with saltwater and debris.

Despite many studies, evidence linking animal behavior to impending natural disasters remains inconclusive. While some researchers attempt to dispel myths about animals predicting disasters, the aforementioned reports continue to fuel the debate. What remains clear, however, is that natural disasters, like tsunamis, leave a lasting impact on both human and animal life, reshaping the landscapes they once called home.

UnsplashRay Hennessyが撮影した写真


  1. Allege
    • 英訳 (English translation): To claim or assert something without proof
    • 和訳 (Japanese translation): 主張する、断言する(証拠なしに)
    • 類義語 (Synonyms): claim, assert, contend
  2. Sighting
    • 英訳: An occasion when something, especially something rare or unusual, is seen
    • 和訳: 目撃、目撃情報
    • 類義語: observation, appearance, glimpse
  3. Unsuspecting
    • 英訳: Not aware of the potential danger or harm
    • 和訳: 無警戒の、疑っていない
    • 類義語: unaware, oblivious, unwary
  4. Rogue
    • 英訳: An animal or person that behaves unpredictably or abnormally
    • 和訳: 異常な行動を取る、手に負えない
    • 類義語: unpredictable, wild, erratic
  5. Ravage
    • 英訳: To cause severe damage to something
    • 和訳: 破壊する、荒らす
    • 類義語: devastate, destroy, wreck
  6. Dispel
    • 英訳: To drive away or eliminate something, especially a belief or idea
    • 和訳: 払拭する、追い払う
    • 類義語: dismiss, banish, eliminate
  7. Treacherous
    • 英訳: Dangerous, especially because of hidden or unpredictable risks
    • 和訳: 危険な、裏切りの
    • 類義語: perilous, hazardous, unsafe
  8. Aforementioned
    • 英訳: Mentioned previously
    • 和訳: 前述の
    • 類義語: previously mentioned, earlier stated
  9. Inconclusive
    • 英訳: Not leading to a firm conclusion; not definitive
    • 和訳: 決定的でない、結論の出ない
    • 類義語: uncertain, unresolved, indefinite
  10. Host
    • 英訳: A large number of something, often organisms
    • 和訳: 大量の、無数の
    • 類義語: multitude, swarm, collection
  11. Predicate
    • 英訳: To base something on a particular assumption or belief
    • 和訳: 〜に基づく、〜に立脚する
    • 類義語: base, found, establish





In the field of astronomy, there is much speculation about how planets form in the distant reaches of our solar system. According to current theories, massive clouds of gas and dust began swirling around young stars billions of years ago. As these materials gradually moved past the frost line—the region in space where temperatures are cold enough for volatile compounds like water and methane to freeze—planets started to solidify from the particles clumping together.

However, there remains a discrepancy between theoretical models and actual observations of distant planets, leading some scientists to question whether our understanding is complete. Some propose far-fetched ideas, suggesting that other, unknown processes might be at work in the formation of these planets.

Adding to the mystery, many distant planets are shrouded in thick atmospheres, making it difficult for telescopes to capture clear images. Despite these challenges, continued exploration may one day resolve the uncertainties, helping us understand how worlds beyond our own came to be.


  1. Speculation
    • 英訳 (English translation): The formation of theories or ideas without firm evidence
    • 和訳 (Japanese translation): 推測、憶測
    • 類義語 (Synonyms): conjecture, hypothesis, guesswork
  2. Swirling
    • 英訳: Moving in a twisting or spiraling motion
    • 和訳: 渦巻く、旋回する
    • 類義語: spinning, twisting, rotating
  3. Discrepancy
    • 英訳: A lack of compatibility or agreement between facts
    • 和訳: 矛盾、不一致
    • 類義語: inconsistency, difference, divergence
  4. The Frost Line
    • 英訳: In astronomy, the distance from the Sun beyond which water and other compounds can freeze
    • 和訳: 霜の境界線(天文学的に、揮発性物質が凍る境界)
    • 類義語: snow line, freeze line (in context)
  5. Solidify
    • 英訳: To become firm or hard
    • 和訳: 固まる、固体化する
    • 類義語: harden, crystallize, set
  6. Far-fetched
    • 英訳: Unlikely or improbable
    • 和訳: 信じがたい、ありそうもない
    • 類義語: implausible, unbelievable, improbable
  7. Shroud
    • 英訳: To cover or hide from view
    • 和訳: 覆い隠す、包む
    • 類義語: conceal, cloak, veil




The devastating wildfires that swept across Australia in recent years have left an indelible mark on the landscape and its people. Many survivors have shared firsthand accounts of the fires, describing the intense heat, towering flames, and the rapid spread of the blazes. These personal experiences provide a vivid picture of the disaster, offering insight that goes beyond what statistics and reports can convey.

What is indisputable, however, is the scale of destruction caused by the fires. Millions of acres of land were scorched, leaving the soil barren and lifeless. Countless animals perished, and many ecosystems were severely damaged. Firefighters worked tirelessly to wield their tools and equipment in a battle against nature, often struggling to contain the massive fires that threatened both human life and wildlife. Despite their best efforts, the fires raged on, fueled by extreme heat and dry conditions, leaving a lasting impact on Australia’s environment.

As recovery efforts continue, the world reflects on the lessons learned from this catastrophic event, knowing that climate change and deforestation may increase the likelihood of similar disasters in the future. UnsplashKitera Dentが撮影した写真


  1. Firsthand Account
    • 英訳 (English translation): A direct report or testimony from someone who personally experienced an event
    • 和訳 (Japanese translation): 直接の証言、体験談
    • 類義語 (Synonyms): eyewitness report, direct experience, personal testimony
  2. Indisputable
    • 英訳: Unable to be challenged or denied
    • 和訳: 議論の余地がない、明白な
    • 類義語: undeniable, unquestionable, irrefutable
  3. Wield
    • 英訳: To handle or use a tool or power effectively
    • 和訳: (道具や武器などを)使いこなす、振るう
    • 類義語: handle, manage, manipulate
  4. Contain
    • 英訳: To keep something under control or within limits, especially something dangerous
    • 和訳: (危険なものを)封じ込める、抑える
    • 類義語: control, limit, restrain
  5. Scorch
    • 英訳: To burn the surface of something, causing it to become dry or damaged
    • 和訳: 焦がす、焼き払う
    • 類義語: burn, sear, singe




Biopiracy, the exploitation of natural resources and indigenous knowledge by corporations or countries without proper compensation to the local communities, has become a growing concern in recent years. Many companies patent biological resources or traditional remedies, preventing the communities from using their own knowledge freely. To combat this, governments and organizations have begun to enlist experts to draw up stronger protections.

Some companies go as far as attempting to trademark naturally occurring substances, which raises ethical and legal concerns. In response, legislation has been proposed in various countries to protect biodiversity and prevent the unfair commercialization of natural resources. Moreover, international treaties have been signed to promote fair access to genetic resources and ensure benefits are shared with the communities that first discovered their uses.

However, implementing these protections is not easy. Many governments struggle to enact effective laws that can stamp out biopiracy, as powerful corporate interests often influence policy. The issue also throws up challenges related to taxonomy, as scientists must correctly classify species to ensure they fall under protection. Despite the complexity, continued efforts to regulate biopiracy and strengthen global cooperation remain essential for the fair use of the world’s natural resources. UnsplashJaime Dantasが撮影した写真


  1. Biopiracy
    • 英訳 (English translation): The unauthorized exploitation of biological resources and traditional knowledge, often for commercial gain
    • 和訳 (Japanese translation): 生物資源の違法利用、バイオパイラシー
    • 類義語 (Synonyms): bio-theft, exploitation of resources
  2. Patent
    • 英訳: The exclusive right granted for an invention, allowing the patent holder to control its use
    • 和訳: 特許
    • 類義語: intellectual property right, copyright (in context), protection
  3. Enlist
    • 英訳: To recruit or engage someone’s help or support
    • 和訳: (支援や協力を)得る、募集する
    • 類義語: recruit, engage, sign up
  4. Draw Up
    • 英訳: To prepare a legal document or plan
    • 和訳: (文書や計画を)作成する
    • 類義語: prepare, formulate, devise
  5. Trademark
    • 英訳: A symbol, word, or words legally registered to represent a company or product
    • 和訳: 商標
    • 類義語: brand, logo, insignia
  6. Legislation
    • 英訳: Laws considered collectively or the process of making or enacting laws
    • 和訳: 法律、立法
    • 類義語: law, regulation, statute
  7. International Treaties
    • 英訳: Formal agreements between countries that are binding under international law
    • 和訳: 国際条約
    • 類義語: accords, conventions, agreements
  8. Enact
    • 英訳: To make a law or regulation officially into action
    • 和訳: (法律を)施行する、成立させる
    • 類義語: implement, pass, enforce
  9. Stamp Out
    • 英訳: To completely eliminate or eradicate something undesirable
    • 和訳: (悪事などを)撲滅する
    • 類義語: eradicate, eliminate, suppress
  10. Throw Up
    • 英訳: To create or raise new issues or problems
    • 和訳: (問題や疑問を)引き起こす
    • 類義語: raise, generate, cause
  11. Taxonomy
    • 英訳: The branch of science concerned with classification, especially of organisms
    • 和訳: 分類学
    • 類義語: classification, categorization, systematics




In the field of toxicology, understanding how substances can be lethal is crucial to both medicine and biology. Certain plants and animals have evolved to produce compounds that can be deadly if consumed in high enough quantities. One such substance is digoxin, a chemical derived from the foxglove plant. While digoxin is commonly used in controlled doses to treat heart conditions, its misuse can render it highly toxic, even fatal. This dual nature of many compounds—beneficial at low doses and dangerous at high doses—illustrates the importance of determining the proper threshold for safe exposure.

For centuries, foxglove has played an instrumental role in medicine, but its potential for harm has always loomed large. In toxic doses, it can affect the heart in ways that lead to lethal arrhythmias. Similarly, exposure to certain chemicals can result in mutations at the cellular level, potentially leading to malignant tumors. Carcinogens, substances that mutate genetic material and lead to cancer, are another area of concern in toxicology.

Aside from plants like foxglove, certain animals also pose significant toxic risks. Crayfish, for example, may carry toxins in polluted environments, making them harmful to consume. These toxins can accumulate over time, crossing the threshold between safe and harmful levels and resulting in serious health risks. Researchers in toxicology work tirelessly to identify these dangers and establish guidelines to prevent exposure, mitigating the risks that could otherwise be fatal.


  1. Be instrumental in
    • 英訳 (English translation): To play a key or essential role in something
    • 和訳 (Japanese translation): ~において重要な役割を果たす
    • 類義語 (Synonyms): play a key role in, contribute to, be essential in
  2. Lethal
    • 英訳: Capable of causing death
    • 和訳: 致命的な、命にかかわる
    • 類義語: deadly, fatal, mortal
  3. Render
    • 英訳: To cause or make something to be in a certain condition
    • 和訳: ~を~の状態にする
    • 類義語: make, cause to be, transform
  4. Digoxin
    • 英訳: A medication derived from foxglove used to treat heart conditions
    • 和訳: ジゴキシン(心臓病治療薬、ジギタリス由来)
    • 類義語: digitalis, heart medication
  5. Foxglove
    • 英訳: A plant that produces digoxin, used in heart medications
    • 和訳: キツネノテブクロ(ジギタリス)
    • 類義語: digitalis plant, foxbell
  6. Fatal
    • 英訳: Resulting in death
    • 和訳: 致命的な
    • 類義語: deadly, lethal, mortal
  7. Carcinogen
    • 英訳: A substance that can cause cancer
    • 和訳: 発がん性物質
    • 類義語: cancer-causing agent, toxic agent
  8. Mutate
    • 英訳: To change or cause a change in genetic material
    • 和訳: 突然変異を起こす、変異させる
    • 類義語: alter, transform, change
  9. Malignant
    • 英訳: Cancerous and harmful
    • 和訳: 悪性の(がんに関連して)
    • 類義語: cancerous, harmful, virulent
  10. Toxicology
    • 英訳: The study of poisonous substances and their effects on living organisms
    • 和訳: 毒物学、毒性学
    • 類義語: study of toxins, poison science
  11. Threshold
    • 英訳: The level at which something starts to have an effect
    • 和訳: 閾値、基準値
    • 類義語: limit, level, boundary
  12. Crayfish
    • 英訳: A freshwater crustacean that may accumulate toxins in polluted environments
    • 和訳: ザリガニ
    • 類義語: crawfish, freshwater lobster


